I forgot how incredible and dope this track is..Now with a clever, well assembled and produced slideshow/video to accompany, it's really ON LIKE TRON.
Aside from the gifted and phenomonal 2mex, DJ Wicked has been a friend and ally among the circuit since the early '90s.
He's the purest of purest in the definition of what 'true' Hip Hop is and what a 'real' DJ is.
No imitations or fancy gimmicks..Just straight, ill, def, rawness.
Wicked and I have been doing the live 2x4 partyrock duo turntable thing since before anyone else in Portland, OR.

Beyond being fam in general and that this blog is 100% in support of the 'outlaw' first and foremost in music due to my 'hardcore' roots, Wicked is always welcome here.
I salute, respect and relate to his 'tell it as it is no holds barred f#%k you punk' attitude.
Suckers, haters, fence riders, posers, backstabbers, turncoats, chumps, wack deejays & wimps need not apply..Wicked's here to mop 'n wreck your shop eternally....Mu ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!! ;-)
Fo real tho, tune in to everything he does..period...Even if it is in your face, extreme, over the top, blunt, offensive, harsh or plain and simply 'on the edge'.
One notable & unforgettable mention was when we slayed together supporting Wyclef Jean & The Refugee All Stars @ the legendary 'La Luna' back in '98 in PDX..That show was crazy bananas!..Jam packed to the point of the crowd literally caving us in beyond the barricade that was set up around our DJ Booth.

A well deserved, honorary member of Zulu Nation + top notch pro who's had a limited edition Adidas kick produced of him, Wicked's literally hands down the hardest working DJ as well as the most talented and skilled 'Turntablist' in Oregon....Recognize.
Beyond being fam in general and that this blog is 100% in support of the 'outlaw' first and foremost in music due to my 'hardcore' roots, Wicked is always welcome here.
I salute, respect and relate to his 'tell it as it is no holds barred f#%k you punk' attitude.
Suckers, haters, fence riders, posers, backstabbers, turncoats, chumps, wack deejays & wimps need not apply..Wicked's here to mop 'n wreck your shop eternally....Mu ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!! ;-)
Fo real tho, tune in to everything he does..period...Even if it is in your face, extreme, over the top, blunt, offensive, harsh or plain and simply 'on the edge'.
There's a reasonable and logical method to all the madness..ya dig.
It's heroic people like this that seperate the 'leaders' from the 'followers'..the 'sheep' from the 'shepherds'.
..and at the day's end, it's really all just friendly, deadly, fantastic FUN!!